Classic Aircooled
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Transport costs
You can, at any time, see how much transport costs is related to the products content in your cart, regardless of whether you are connected or not.
If you're not connected, you can choose the destination country , but the amount of shipping will be estimated ignoring your area or department.

If you are logged in, the system considers your exact shipping address . Amount indicated as transport costs is the one that will be charged on the order.

If you have multiple delivery addresses , you can compare different transport costs in relation to these addresses.

You can find key informations for each carrier to guide you.

Our shipping costs system estimate the number of parcels required to send your order and offer you different carriers corresponding to predefined criteria: size , weight , the fragility and the dangerous products ordered.
We invite you to read the "choice of carriers and delivery " section to determine the mode of transport most suited to your order and your needs.